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The Upsides of Homeschooling

The Upsides of Homeschooling


Homeschooling is not a new term. We have been quite acquainted with the ideology of homeschooling and its adaption into the recent times. The reasons for homeschooling can be many, like variation in religious or educational philosophies, dissatisfaction, parents feel that their kids are not progressing and others. Traditionally speaking, homeschooling does not seem like an ideal option for kids however before we draw conclusion let us walk through the benefits of homeschooling that have influenced umpteen parents across the world to opt for it.

Personalized Education: During the educational years of a student, one very important factor that affects the growth and development of the student is the student and teacher ratio. This means the number of students; one teacher is responsible for. Evidently, if the number of students is lesser, the teacher can deliver personal attention to every student. This also gives the student and teacher better scope to bond which is important for the student. When parents homeschool their kids, the kids are free to voice their opinion, ask questions, clear their doubts and have fun at the same time. There is a higher degree of understanding. The ratio in homeschooling is usually one is to one, which is the best form of education.

Academic Excellence: When students receive personalized attention, they can perform better. The overriding objective of homeschooling is to deliver better education for kids, which makes homeschooling the best option. With better understanding of the study material they can excel in standardized tests. According to a survey, homeschool students performed 15% better than the national average. Homeschooled students are also more likely to opt for higher education, a research stated.

Customized Learning: No two students are the same. They all differ in knowledge, grasper power, capabilities, interests, dislikes and hobbies. Hence, the one size for all pattern of education is not an effective form of learning. Homeschooling offers more customized or tailor-made curriculum that fits the capabilities of the student. If a student excels in math, education in that area can be accelerated. Similarly, if a student is weak in chemistry, additional help can be provided to better his skills.

Consistent Education: When the child gets used to one pattern of learning as in homeschooling there is just one teacher, the consistency of learning is maintained. This results in better growth results and the child adapts to a long-term study plan willingly. Because the parent is intimately involved with the student over that student’s life, the parent understands the child’s experiences and background and uses that knowledge to design future educational activities.

Education is a process of growth and learning. But changes are an important aspect that helps in maintaining the quality of education. Adapting to new techniques and changing the conventional is a step towards the future. Homeschooling has proven to be a beneficial option for kids in terms of effective and constructive learning. However, at first, we need to change our perspective and embrace the change. Mainly when the change is in the best interest of the future generation.

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