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Dear Class of 2020,

Dear Class of 2020,

Dear Class of 2020

This year has been a difficult year however it is leading the way to innovation and change for all of us. This year has taught us many things one of which is the vulnerability of mankind. Though we are a species who is intelligent and creative, yet we are limited in so many ways. This has taught us to be humble and to be kind to the world around us. This year is leading is on a new path altogether; a path that has new lessons to teach at every stage. We must be willing to get onto this new path and explore everything it has to offer.

The outlook towards learning and education is going to be very different from what it has been. This biggest change which has also served as a boon in this year is digitalization in the education world. Digital learning is being explored much more than before and this will make better the learning experience for each of you.

Flexibility in learning is something every student has wished for at some or the other stage in life. This year has fulfilled those wishes by providing learning opportunities to students in the comfort of their homes through digital learning. While this may seem new and difficult at the beginning, it is just a matter of time before it convenient and time saving. There will be a lot to offer through this medium and this will open doors to many learning opportunities. Since time is something you will definitely save by using this medium, the stress in racing against time throughout the day will be considerably reduced. The time saved can be invested in honing a desired skill or exploring a hobby. There will be enough time to sleep well and thus study well. Sleeping well will improve your overall concentration and interest while studying.

Time is not the only thing that’ll be saved through this medium. Money is another important thing that will be saved. The money used for travelling, eating out, etc. will be saved. The saved money can go into your piggy bank for times when you’d need it the most. This will be a great way to save some money to learning a new skill or take up a new course.

This medium will make you’ll comfortable with the modern age technology. Technology is a big part of our world today and keeping up with the latest technology will only be helpful for the future. Most students have to adapt to new technologies right before landing a job, this will be eliminated since there will be a certain level of technology that will have already been introduced to you’ll.

There are many things that would be missed however there are also many new things that will be learned. This is the beginning to a brighter future that has many exciting things to offer in the world of learning, we must be ready to a step towards this bright future.

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