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The Re-birth of Examinations: The shift from in-person examinations to Online

The Re-birth of Examinations: The shift from in-person examinations to Online

The Re-birth of Examination

Examinations have forever been a threat to every student. The fear, anxiety, nervousness, pressure of excelling has been a part of every student’s journey. However, times have changed. As education no more confined to the four walls of the classroom, examinations too have been digitized by the power of technology. The conventional examination process included handwritten submission of answers that are manually checked by the teacher and graded. However, eliminating all of this, online examinations are the new mode of evaluating a students’ performance, which is convenient, effective and accurate.

Benefits of Online Examination

Advanced Technology: In this digital age where day to day life is infused with technology, it becomes easy and convenient to integrate it with education too. Students are aware of basic digitized mechanism that help in effectively conducting examinations. Their familiarity with online exam platforms is growing by the day. The more they are comfortable with such an interface and process, the better will be their efficiency when using the system. Once, the questions are uploaded, there is no scope of any glitches which maintains the authenticity. This also makes the evaluation process smooth and effortless. Some examinations are simply multiple-choice questions that are graded as soon as the test is over. This process saves time.

Environmentally Friendly: The conventional approach of examinations includes the usage of lots of paper that are sometimes wasted having detrimental effects on the environment. In a world where addressing the climate change crisis is our utmost priority, adapting an online exam system would substantially aid in safeguarding the environment. 

Cost Reduction: In the setting one examination seating, there are a plethora of set ups required. Staff, supervisors, paper, seating arrangement, labor to ensure that the students appear for their examination with utmost comforts and ease. All these processes involve a cost. Thereby using an online exam platform eliminates redundant and expensive processes, which, in turn, bolsters the bottom line of the educational institution administering the system.

Security and Privacy: The online examination process validates the usefulness of the entire process with enhanced privacy. It is impossible for students to indulge into malpractices like cheating or any other unlawful activities. The students gain accurate results that encourages a positive growth of the student. Such levels of security and privacy foster a more positive mindset towards the educational institution and build a stronger trust between teachers and students, ensuring transparency and bias-free results.

Online examination is a new but an excellent option when it comes to saving time, money and resources. The processes are well-defined and reliable and can generate accurate results in no time. The most strenuous task of manual grading of the examination papers is eliminated. Well, online examination may have a few disadvantages, but it is a beneficial approach for the future of education. If used in the right way, online examination process can be an excellent option to replace the existing system and give birth to a new, advanced system that is smart, efficient and hassle-free.

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