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Major Pillars of Effective Online Learning

Major Pillars of Effective Online Learning

Major Pillars of Effective Online Learning

Machine Learning or Online has become a trend in the recent times. Especially amidst the locked down situation currently, online learning is an excellent resource. Hence it is imperative that the content and process of online learning is qualitative and does not hamper education. Advanced technology is used to ensure that machine learning is as effective as classroom learning or more. Educational institutions have evaluated the system and have learned the major bullet points that are needed to make online education more effective and efficient.


One major factor that makes online education so interesting is its quality. When students realize that they can gain the same knowledge in the comfort of their homes that they get at schools and colleges they are intrigued to online learning. Educators are not required to replicate traditional classes in their online process however they can develop new characteristics with the help of advanced technology that will exceed the quality of traditional sessions. Qualitative learning always has the best results.


The greatest advantage of remote or online learning is the accessibility. The study material, modules, classes, evaluation can all be accessed from anywhere in the world. Many of the courses are available of smartphones, tablets and other portable devices that can be carried around giving students the leverage to select their comfortable location and keep learning. Adequate support, informative content and accurate evaluation that can be accessed from anywhere makes a perfect virtual classroom for any student.


Along with the students, it is important that the faculty and administration are also satisfied with the online process. This will improve the quality and learning and motivate teachers to conduct more effective classes. As the students learn, so does the faculty. New technology and techniques are part of the learning process. This also encourages the faculty to think of innovative ways to draw the attention of more students.


Grading is perhaps the most important process of the whole learning experience. This is where the students learn their strengths and weaknesses. Hence, accuracy plays a vital role. Educators cannot afford human errors or partial grading when it comes to the future of students. Machine learning takes care of this process in an amazing way, especially since the grading is system generated. This also reduces the stress and monotony of educators and gives them the opportunity to utilize the same time and energy is bettering the learning process.


In online learning, the students lack face to face interaction with their mentors and fellow students. This can impact their level of interest and performance. Hence it is important to keep them glued to the course with informative and effective learning. This will make their whole learning experience a good one and result into happy students. Like customers, students too have an opinion that matters in terms of the institution’s reputation. When students complete their course that are effective, constructive, interactive and smooth, they are urged to leave a positive feedback or testimonial for the institution that puts out a good word.

All these factors are important when we see online education as the new system of learning. In this new era of smartphones, online learning is perhaps the most influential way of luring students learning.

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