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Guide to Online Resources for Educators

Guide to Online Resources for Educators

Online Resources

As online education is trending these days, it is essential that the educators upskill to the new techniques and methods of online learning. Many educators who are habituated to the traditional classroom training may not like the transition however once educators are acquainted with the new style of learning, it might change their view about it. Online learning may not be accepted with open arms by many universities, but we sure cannot ignore the fact that it has been an exceptional method of teaching, that is more effective, informative and convenient. There are many online resources that help in making the experience interesting, to keep the students engaged.

Active Learning: Active Learning is the most effect form of learning. It helps in developing students’ skills instead of just transmitted knowledge. Active learning also tends to place some emphasis on students’ explorations of their own attitudes and values. Active learning can be practiced in every class to make it interesting. Revising the previous lessons can be a good practice to actively involve the students. Intermediate pauses during the class to gauge the knowledge of the students can also promote active learning. Pairing students and giving them demonstrative exercises, keeps the students engaged and active.

Assessing Student Learning: Conducting regular assessments is an important part of online learning that helps the educators and students to gauge the extent to which students are successfully meeting learning objectives. This also helps students and educators to understand their weak areas. Educators are able to focus on these and provide adequate feedback to students to improve on these areas. Assessing is process that provides a validation to the learning and helps students to understand their strengths and weaknesses.

Case Studies: Case studies are a constructive study tool that apply the theory or concepts of the study material to real cases. Dependent on the goal they are meant to fulfill, cases can be fact-driven and deductive where there is a correct answer, or they can be context driven where multiple solutions are possible. Educators can create exemplary situations based on real happenings or give the actual situation to students to test their creativity and knowledge. This also helps in creative thinking and rational analysis giving students an opportunity to learn the facts.

Accessible Learning Environment: There are different kinds of disabilities that obstruct the learning of students. These disabilities can be physical, mental and sensory. Hence creating an accessible environment of learning that can accommodate every student irrespective of their learning disabilities, is a vital part of learning. Technology has made this process easy to a great extent, especially in online learning. Make the class more inclusive and uniform. Treating all students equally will help greatly. Student with disabilities will be more comfortable in an inclusive and accessible learning environment which will aid their learning experience.

Course Content: Making the course content more fun and interesting is the best way to keep the students glued to the course. When students are interested in studying, they are spontaneous in fulfilling all their class and homework and are more active. Organizing quizzes, contests or competitions is a constructive form of learning that helps in online training.

Online Learning is a practice that can maintain the consistency of learning. Educators can adapt to new resources that can help in improving learning and can benefit the students in an effective way.

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