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Major steps needed for the Renaissance of Education

Major steps needed for the Renaissance of Education

Renaissance of Education

Competition and the need to keep up with the pace of the growing technology there is a major need to bring about a change in the traditional educational system. The demand of change has been on the agenda for a long time that needs to be prioritized. What needs to be addressed is the complexity of education and the problems areas. Having said that, we are aware that it isn’t a single approach solution that will work. Changes must be made from the very foundation, hence a renaissance in education is a major need of the hour. When changes or transformation needs to be made to an existing system it is imperative to reach to the root cause of what is creating the lack. Administration, processes, execution and interdependencies need to be in sync to initiate a change.

Identifying the Problem: Recognizing the problem areas and finding the right solution to fix it, is an important step in the change. Regular surveys and assessments must be conducted to identify the lack. Following the new trends, knowing the advantages of technology, learning new techniques is all a part of the process. This will help in increasing the quality of education and improve the standard. 

Goal: A well-defined objective that is in sync with all processes of the system and fulfills the purpose of, needs to be set. While setting this goal, all major educational dynamics need to be taken into consideration. Setting goals and benchmarks motivates the faculty to improve their methods of teaching and bring about a change in their approach. This can also change the interest level of students.

Systematic Process: We have all been through the hassle of hap hazard processes that makes our life difficult. The education system lacks capacity. Inadequate staff, lack of knowledge, technical challenges are major factors that slow down the process of efficient functioning. Education is a vast field; hence systematic and hassle-free functioning of processes is a need.

Quality: Be it the food at a restaurant, a product that you ordered or a course of education, quality is a common factor that draws the attention of students. Quality of the system must be improved with the help new advanced technology and a new approach. Conducting new trainings for the faculty, specialized training sessions, module creation, skill development, effective learning are all a part of increasing the quality of education.

Technology: In the improvement process of any operation, technology plays an important role. Recently, technology has been majorly adapted in the filed of education to simplify the complexity. Digitized trainings, virtual classroom sessions, use of videos and animation in classroom sessions, systematic technology for grading and many other techniques used in administrative works, is a recent addition to education. The use of advanced technology will not only simplify the system but also add value to it and foster better and effective learning. Technology also helps in constructive learning which is a new standardized form of education.

There are many more factors that will impact a change in the education system. But above all, we need to change our outlook and believe that if the we change the education system will positively change.

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